Donate for the service of cows.

Support our “gaushala,” which provides care, shelter, and medical facilities to needy cows.



Taking care of cows is an important responsibility. In our gaushala, we provide every cow with nutritious food, clean water, and proper medical services. Here, they live in a safe and peaceful environment, ensuring their health and well-being. With your support, we can further improve the care for these sacred animals.



Compassion is the feeling that motivates us to understand the suffering of others and to assist them. In our gaushala, compassion is practiced every day as we support needy cows. With your compassion and support, we can provide these innocent creatures with a better life and maintain continuity in their care.


Bring about change

Bringing about change requires dedication and compassion. In our gaushala, we strive to make a big difference through small daily efforts. With your support, we can collectively take steps towards a positive change by providing better lives and care for the cows.

About Us

Dabar Hare Krishna Gaushala provides care, shelter, and medical facilities to needy cows. We are committed to ensuring their well-being and promoting animal welfare.

The inspiration behind the inception of our organization lies in our love and respect for cows. We believe that every cow deserves a pain-free life, and we are dedicated to bringing positive changes in their lives. Our goal is to provide every cow with a life free from suffering, and advancing our organization means providing them with such a life. We are committed to making positive changes in the lives of cows and pledge to manage our operations effectively for their care.

Our initiative

To learn more about our plans.

Food (nutrition)

We provide nutritious and balanced food to the cows under our care to ensure proper nourishment, ensuring that their health and nutritional levels remain optimal. We pay attention to the habits and health of the cows along with providing excellent and nutritious food for them.


Our gaushala provides a safe and comfortable home for the cows, protecting them from harsh conditions. We have installed solar panels on the roof, which provide shade and are placed above the resting area, making it the first solar-powered gaushala in Delhi. This ensures an adequate supply of solar energy to the entire gaushala.

Medical services

We provide necessary medical facilities and treatments to ensure the health and well-being of the cows. Our team of expert veterinarians regularly examines the cows and provides them with appropriate medications and medical services. With a focus on their health, we ensure excellent care and management for them.

Bring about change

Join our mission and provide love, care, and protection to needy cows. Together, we can bring about positive change in the lives of these sacred animals. Let’s work together for their well-being and create a better future for them.

People served
Programs Funded
Funds Raised
Partner Organizations

Inspiring Stories

Read about the positive impact of our work on the lives of cows. Here you will find stories of changes that have made the lives of these sacred animals better.

Restoration of Hope

We rescued an undernourished cow and provided her with proper care and nourishment. Today, she is a healthy and happy cow, enjoying her new life to the fullest.

Lifesaving Treatment

Through your generous donations, we were able to provide life-saving medical treatment to a cow struggling with blindness. She has fully recovered and is now leading a happy life. With your help, countless more cows can receive proper treatment and be saved.

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